Evergreen Soccer Experience
Evergreen Soccer Experience (ESE) is a program designed to teach children age appropriate beginner skills and introduce team sports in a fun interactive way . Although we are highly soccer focused, this program incorporates skills from many sports as well as fun outdoor fitness related activities. Our goal is to help your children learn the love of sports, want to come to practice, look forward to spending time with friends and develop motivation as the start to a long endeavor into sports.
What skills do we work on?
Technical: Understand the basic interaction with the soccer ball and to know the most basic rules of the sport – to not use their hands, boundaries of the field, direction of play, and to become familiar with the concept of a game. Dribble-Pass-Shoot
Physical: Develop strength, endurance, flexibility, speed. Learn how our muscle work and what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. Coordination-Control-Agility
Social/Emotional: Grasp important life lessons such as the value of respecting teammates and coaches, listening during instruction, how to play as a team, and motivation. Confidence-Teamwork-Attention
Our goal is to inspire the sport of soccer through the encouraging and fun environment experienced within our program.
Who are the Coaches?
Head Coach Mallory Pace played college soccer, has years of experience coaching youth soccer teams, was a former Crossfit trainer/Competitive Athlete and works with young children in her current profession as a Speech Language Pathologist. Mallory believes the best way to motivate young children is to incorporate games and drills that children will developmentally understand and be excited about.
Assistant Coaches
Our assistant coaches have soccer and/or other sports backgrounds. Our coaches are fun, energetic and passionate about growing our youth soccer community here in Evergreen.
Program Expectations
Parents are required to stay at the field throughout the entire practice. No Exceptions.
Siblings are not allowed on the field during practice.
Parents are responsible for managing child's behavior and assist with following instructions when needed.
For ages 3-6 we prefer parents to watch from sidelines.
If your child needs assistance, parents can step on the field to briefly help.
Please exit field timely for next practice.
No refunds will be issued. If practice is cancelled, makeup days will be communicated via email.
Practices will only be cancelled due to inclement weather. Makeup days are not guaranteed but we will certainly try our best.
Things to Bring/Wear
Soccer ball size 3 (3-6 yrs), size 1 or 3 (toddlers)
Shin guards (recommended 3-6yrs)
Water bottle
Soccer cleats (recommended 3-6yrs)
Weather appropriate attire
*** Every child must bring their own soccer ball to every practice***
ESE utilizes the outdoor turf field located at Rocky Mountain Academy of Evergreen
2959 Royale Elk Way, Evergreen, CO 80439

"The best way to decide if your child should continue to play soccer is to look at their face when on the field"